lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2008

The best story of my childhood

From my childhood I have actually many stories, many anecdotes and many memories. Stories that made me laugh, stories that made me mourn, but without a doubt my childhood was one of the best periods of my life. It was a stage at which everything was beautiful, it was a stage of naivety, games, to be in the streets playing with my friends. I remember I always wanted the latest toys , the most beautiful Barbie, in addition it was also because those were my friends, telling my mom every day the last Barbie that came out. Now that I remember it, it’s very funny, and without thinking twice I would love to have this story repeating itself, where bad things yet didn’t exist, and where you couldn’t be too irresponsible.

The story that I remember best, or maybe even the best story that happened to me in my childhood was when we went on tour to Santa Marta in a holiday and we were staying in a hotel, consisting of many huts. By that time I was 10 years old and my brother 11, and in the hotel were also hosted some friends of my mom and her children. The first day we arrived we were at the reception, and it was really funny because while expecting that the receptionist ended her call, they were next to us and we were surprised to see them and salute, then we are again at lunchtime and the children of my mom's friend Claudia Marcela and Juan Carlos told us my brother and me, after lunch we were in the pool, we told them that well and that we would be there at 3:30 pm, But before my mom and her friend had said it would go to a museum in the town, then the plan was deferred pool in the afternoon we go out together to the museum, when we arrived at the museum, Claudia, Juan Carlos, my brother and I we went by a different path to that of others, we find a big door and go there, everything was dark when we entered, as was fourth reserve and the worst thing was that we close the door and could only open on the outside we were very frightened and Juan Carlos and my brother started to review everything that had had skeletons, dolls, I do not agree that other things had but we were so frightened that we did not know what to do, then we heard by the speakers of the museum that our moms us were looking for, Duran trapped as two hours in that room, the last thing we did was hit the door to see if anyone could hear us, until a museum employee heard the screams and alerted the people and when we opened the door, my mom was very scared, my mom's friend also was very funny and yet we are scared by two hours fixtures in the fourth of a museum, when we got to the hotel, we were told not to return them away from somewhere else .

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